Monday, June 1, 2015

Mimpi Rialiti's Character Introduction!


It's been ages saya nak update fasal characters dalam Mimpi Rialiti but I hold myself until saya finishedkannya. Finally, I had finished it yesterday! *Tepuk tangan sikit.*

Future notice, Mimpi Rialiti is divided between the dream world and reality world. 

So without further ado, let's start our introductions! (the age will be following the age of the character intorduce in the story)

1. Suri Nomiya / Allisa Leann Reed / Benjamin

Umur : 18 tahun
Nickname : Suri / All / Ben
Birthday : June
Features : Parut di kening kiri, average height, deep green eyed
Peribadi : For all to know, if you noticed, she likes Petunia. Walaupun orang kata petunia tu simboliknya ialah kemarahan tetapi ia juga membawa maksud seperti 'kehadiran awak menenangkan saya'. Dia juga seorang penggemera biskut mentega. Hates hospital due to Allisa's hospitalisation for 3 years, ia semacam develop perasaan trauma pada diri dia. Dia juga ada perasaan inferior akan status diri dia and seboleh mungkin tak nak orang tahu yang dia itu seorang puteri raja / seorang pewaris syarikat gergasi a.k.a tampuk kepimpinan cabang utama keluarga Nomiya. Apa yang susahnya fasal Suri ni, dia suka sangat larikan diri, Ironinya, bila dia menjadi Allisa, dia seorang yang tak suka larikan diri dari masalah! A very complicated person.... 

2. Shawn Ryuuji Kominato / Daniel James Scot

Umur : 20 tahun
Nickname : Shawn / Ryuuji (Suri sahaja) / Danny
Features : Blackforest eyed, brunette hair
Peribadi : Downright gentleman. Due to Sumpahan Scot, he develop a very protective wall around himself. Why? Jeng, jeng, jeng. Dia juga seorang yang inexperienced in relationship and mudah melukakan hati orang yang dia cintai. Loves car, planes, motorcycles and everything yang berkaitan dengan enjin. Loves to travel. To be free. Compare to dream world, in reality world he had an innocent crush on Annie Rose (who?)

3. Yurino Genji / Juliane Kraigh Graham

Umur : 20 tahun (in reality world) / 23 tahun (in dream world)
Nickname : Yuri (macam nama perempuan kan?) / Juliane
Favourite moment : Anything that has Suri / Allisa in it.
Peribadi : His world is revolve around Suri / Allisa. From his career to his very favourite pen. A very popular prince back in his school days. They call him 'Putera S' <--- Sempurna. Or in english it is called as Prince Charming? But, he is not that sempurna sebab dia ada kelemahan iaitu Suri. He also loves to hug people. Especially Suri. Favourite hug position, back hug!

4. Miza Takizawa / Julie Tasnynn Graham

Umur : 18 tahun
Nickname : Miza / Jul
Hobi : Melukis / Membaca / Lepak
Peribadi : Orang yang paling pelik orang akan jumpa and my favourite character too because somehow she's very near to me. Seorang yang free spirit and tak suka dikongkong. Caring and loving. Contrary to her behavior in dream world she is somewhat a hard-core fan girl and easy to fall in love.

5. Annie Rose Somers / Anita Freaser Wheatherspoon

Umur : 16 tahun (dream world) / 26 tahun (reality world)
Nickname : Annie / Anita
Career : International Celebrity
Peribadi : In dream world, dia seorang yang you consider as a rival to Allisa's love interest but somehow you will pity her if as you swim deeper into the story. In reality world, she is just like a girl next door that guys would fall head over heels over her and she treats Shawn as cute little boy.

6. Blake Kristoff Taylor / Willson Schoonmaker

Umur : 20 tahun (dream world) / 26 tahun (reality world)
Nickname : Blake / Will
Career : Secret (Jeng, jeng, jeng!)
Feature : Naive smile that makes Miza / Julie find it hard to trust him
Peribadi : Everything that you know about him is bull**** (says Miza / Julie) but the truth is he will anything for his love ones walaupun terpaksa bongkar rahsia identiti dia (what?)

7. Jun Mizuno / Vincent Scot

Umur : 28 tahun
Nickname : Jun / Vince
Peribadi : He really wants a cute little sister and loves his wife very much!

8. Hiromi Kenichi

Umur : 28 tahun
Rest is secret!

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